
Showing posts from June, 2017

Your Gender,Not A Perennial Embarrasment.

              “I am a perennial embarrassment.” -Rudra Chatterjee (Chitrangada:The Crowning Wish) Many moons ago, when I was more of a kid than a girl, I saw an image in an English daily followed at home. I was not more than ten years old at that time. In that big black and white photograph which occupied a considerable quarter of that page, two young women were embracing each other with a delicate and aesthetic intimacy. I stared at that column because, I felt nothing unusual in women who are close together! Mind fluttered with the question- “what has given this picture, such an importance to appear in this page.”  Being a person with incurable ‘curiosity syndrome’, I pushed myself to make sense out of the cluttered sentences upon the faded white page , fabricated with sophisticated words ! It was really so heavy to be afforded by my vocabulary, thoughts and consciousness. The only thing that I deduce...