My clan is that of verbal poetry. Everything around inspires me to slip into a world of words, I wrap myself in its warmth and breathe more and more of it. To me, words are a sign of my own existence. Words keep me alive. But very recently, after getting into college, the cinematic experiences began to thrill me. I started to take notice of things closely. That’s how I began to explore a world of visual poetry. During the second year in college, I had to use my friend’s laptop for an immediate presentation preparation. In hostel, we were not allowed to use laptops in our own rooms or to charge after an allotted time. But one night, after finishing my work I just peeped into the movie collection in his laptop and ended up seeing Kapila ( . My friend was after Kapila for a very long time and he was literally dying to see it. All I knew about Kapila was that it was a documentary on the life of the eminent Koodiyattom practitioner Kapila V...